Saturday 26 October 2013


It's back! A year on from the first - hugely successful - Human Rights Poetry Slam at the Bloomsbury Festival in October 2012 - won by the fantastic Keith Jarrett - the Keats House poets are proud to announce that the Human Rights Poetry Slam will be back at the Bloomsbury Festival again this year!

Hosts: Raymond Antrobus & Anthony Hett 

Judges: Deanna Roger, Musa Okwonga, a Human Rights expert & a member of the audience.

Slam Poets:
Bridget Minamore
Hibaq Osman
Adam Kammerling
Errol Mcglashan
Keith Jarrett (Defending Champion)
Richard Tyrone Jones

And after the Slam be sure to stick around for the launch of the amazing Human Rights Poetry Anthology: In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights

The launch of ‘In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights’ will take place in the Beveridge Hall (ground floor) at Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU at 6pm on Sunday 20 October as part of the Bloomsbury Festival. This event will be preceded by a human rights poetry slam which has been organized by Keats House Poets.

‘In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights’ is a new publication which seeks to bring together the fields of human rights research and literature together in an innovative way.

Poet and writer Ruth Padel will speak at the launch, and there will be readings from a variety of contributors to the publication, after which there will be an opportunity to buy the publication at a special discounted rate.

EN PROTESTA -2013 es la antologia poetica sobre DERECHOS HUMANOS Y JUSTICIA SOCIAL, ayer fue en lanzamiento oficial en el SENATE HOUSE publicado por la universidad de londres, Del cual tengo el honor de ser parte con dos de mis poemas: Regreso en homenaje a mi madre y el Peru y el segundo Mineros de Chile en homenaje a mis herman@s exiliados de ese pais. Fue una labor muy dura selecionar tantos poemas entre 600 solo quedaron 150 por poetas de alto reconocimiento con quienes habia trabajado antes como Ruth Padel and Moniza Alby aqui junto a amigas colombianas Barbarita tamb en la antologia y la hija de Ruth activista por los derechos humanos. Gracias Laila por haber creido en mi trabajo en DICIEMBRE ESTAREMOS LANZANDO UN PERFORMANCE DEL CUAL ESTAREMOS INFORMANDO EN SU MOMENTO.
Muchas gracias a nuestros amigos y familiares por compartir estos momentos importantes, a todas las poetas que uniendo suenos hemos logrado compartir y hacer presente nuestras voces poeticas en busca de mas juticia social sobre el planeta- para decir que si nos importa contribuir hacia un cambio y para denunciar la perdida y celebrar lo que podemos rescatar y remarcar mayor responsabilidad colectiva. Abrazos.(Sofia Buchuck)

In protest- is the Antology of wich I am taking part representing Colombia with my poem "Hidden" thanks for this opportunity very honored to take part (Barbara Lopez Cardona)

 I am Very honoured to take part of this great Antholoty of poems form around, representing Peru with two of my poems- Return and the Miners. Thanks to Consuelo Rivera for translating and helping me in editing this poets to Laila. From 600 poems received Laila and the editing team have manage to select 150 poems from around the glove. This book represents many important themes: such as women, exile, war,  on issues of HUMAN RIGHTS and Social Justice. Many poets are themselves human right's activists and have been campaining for this issues in the United Kingdom and world wide as well as promoting this through their poetry and other ways of making their voice hear.
Some others have been strugling in their own countries of origin and therefore are directed witnesses of this process.
We were very pleased to be able to put all this voices together and have a PROTEST as a collective of poets about this issues of social justice.

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