Monday 15 October 2012


At the Institute of Education
Dialogos - America Latina semana cultural.
Presento una semana entera de exhibiciones con arte visual, shows de musica, danza ritual, poesia y talleres creativos, con temas en dialogo sobre America Latina.
Ofrece asi un  importantisimo espacio habierto para la reflexion, el intercambio a traves del dialogo- en  revaloracion, e interculturalidad  sobre el rescate de valores culturales en fluida expresion contemporanea. De todo este variado universo se hace presente aquello que hace lo que es nuestro continente hasta la actualidad- inmisculye el significado de su totalidad, sus raices e historia.
Alzando la voz de America Latina fue uno de los shows musicales ofrecidos por Sofia Buchuck cantante y ethnomusicologa Peruana, junto a musicos invitados, Tora Koike, Raul Quispe, Manuy Figueroa, Jaime Hoyos y mujeres de la cosmovision Andina Amazonica en el canto PARAS -danza ritual  a la lluvia por Soraya Fernandez y Mirta Osorio.


Latin American Perspectives in Education (LAPE) announces the Second Latin American Cultural Week. The theme this year is Dialogues: América Latina. The event will be held from the 10th to the 13th October 2012 at the Institute of Education Students’ Union. The Institute of Education is a vibrant venue in the heart of London where we expect to welcome a rich and diverse cultural community. The aim of this exhibition is to bring together artists and participant- audiences in an event that responds to the challenge of engaging in a dialogue with/from Latin America.

Dialogues among cultures can be verbal and visual, as well as dialogues in which we work and perform with all our senses. Chitchat is not a dialogue. In dialogue we give and take, learn and teach, simultaneously. A dialogue takes place when the answer to the questions is not known (often the questions are not known), thus entering in dialogue is facing the unknown, taking the risk of changing even our identities. Dialogue seems to open possibilities for understanding, for constructing something new, and for redefining each other. What is the real potential of dialogue?
Five hundred and twenty years ago, American and European cultures engaged in an uneven dialogue, in which the cultures originated in the Americas were silenced and rarely heard. From that point, further dialogues started with ‘the rest of the world’, particularly with African cultures that were forcefully engaged, and with cultures from the Far East (at the Americas’ west) in a dialogue that took place via the Pacific Ocean. What are the current dialogues in which Latin America and ‘the rest of the world’ are engaged?
Dialogues: América Latina, curated by Mabel Encinas and Daria Martini, presents the work of 20 visual artists and more than 20 artists offering performance exhibits: music, dance and theatre. The event will also involve lectures, talks, a poetry evening, and workshops and activities for adults from the 10th to the 12th and a family day on Saturday the 13th. The event closure will take place the 12th of October in a party to which the Plataforma Marcha 12th October, Hands off Latin America will join. Taru Band will be with us that evening! For children and families, the 13th October, there will be storytelling in Portuguese-English and singing and storytelling in Spanish-English, as well as a Spanish-English theatre workshop.
Singing Cambia todo cambia- Mabel Encinas-Mexico, Isabel Ros-Lopez Spain and Sofia Buchuck-Peru.

By Sofia Buchuck canto de resistencia with musicians form Peru: Tora Koike, Raul Quispe, Jaime Hoyos, Manuy Figueroa and mujeres de la cosmovision andina Amazonica- Soraya Fernandez and Mirta Osorio.

Nuestras raices y nuestra identidad.


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